Man using a cleaning foam outside of a dumpster.

Out of Our Service Area? You Can Still Use Our Products!

You’ve seen our videos and read about our Fresh Focus and how it cleans and deodorizes the dirtiest areas of commercial businesses and multifamily properties. Our expert cleaning technicians are trained and experienced at keeping your carpets, trash maintenance areas, dog parks and more, clean and sanitary for your residents, customers, and staff. You probably know that we clean commercial properties in New Jersey, New York City, eastern Pennsylvania, down to Washington, D.C. But what if you don’t live in one of those areas?

We have great news! Did you know that we offer options so you can handle the cleaning on your own with the same amazing products? We have a Foam Cart and Foam Caddy available for simple, DIY in-house cleaning.

Foam Cart

Our Foam Cart is a quick, easy, and cost saving method for cleaning and deodorizing your apartment community, hotel, hospital, or other commercial property. It is easy to use and uses our no rinse Fresh Focus. 

It is perfect for in-house applications of cleaning and deodorizing trash chutes, compactors, dumpsters, floors, drains, and more. Our trash foam cleans grease and grime found in areas common to pests and gives you the opportunity to eliminate traditional chute cleaning expenses. The Foam Cart also allows you to eliminate multiple cleaning supplies by utilizing our user-friendly no rinse foam while improving resident satisfaction and reducing complaints related to trash areas. 

Under some circumstances, the Fresh Foam Cart may be approved as a reserve-eligible item for those management companies and owners that require agency approval for purchase. 

Foam Caddy

The Foam Caddy is the smaller sibling to our Foam Cart. It offers the same simplicity for cleaning and deodorizing compactors, dumpsters, drains, floors, and more, but in an easy to carry spray caddy. 

This handy piece of equipment still uses our trash foam that cleans grease, grime, and other dirt using our no rinse, great smelling formula. The Foam Caddy, like the Foam Cart, may also be approved as a reserve-eligible item for those companies/owners that require agency approval for purchases. 

Ready to Try the DIY Approach

Are you afraid that operating and handling the equipment on your own will be confusing and difficult? Rest assured we have a variety of tools available to ensure your DIY success! Of course you have access to our team of experts to help guide you along the way, but we also offer multiple training videos and manuals that you can refer to when needed. Fortunately, both the Cart and Caddy are user-friendly and simple to get the cleaning power you need to have a clean, odor free property.

To learn more, simply visit us online at or give us a call at 844-487-3626.